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  • Writer's pictureTingting F


Updated: Mar 21, 2021

I wouldn't say that most people may concern what they are doing every day, as they just do what they should do every day mechanically according to their habits formed long before. To be honest, I also rarely view myself or consider what kind of person I want to be in the future.

For my design, I always feel that I am lacking in the ability of innovation. I don't think there are any obvious flaws in my design, but there is always a short of intensity like the chrome yellow allowed van Gogh to achieve the intensity. It is hard to find any bright spot which may suddenly catch people's eyes in my design. And I suppose that the cause of this circumstance is related to my personality. As I am not a person who enjoys life, I prefer to stick to the old rules. I often feel dissatisfied with myself and my work, so I would check my work again and again and trying to do some enhancement before it is submitted. Therefore, my personality made me have a chance to improve myself through the review of my work, but it also limits my room for innovation as I am always unconfident about myself.

I am still confused about what kind of designer I would like to be in the future. I don't even know what type of design I am interested in. I designed clothes in high school. Posters and logos were designed during my foundation course in New Zealand. I'm tangled because I find every design is so attractive to me. If I really have to make a choice, maybe I will choose to be a product designer. I love my family. Therefore, I am eager to create something interesting which can benefit my family. In the words of Monteiro (2015), “the world isn’t changed by special people. It’s changed by ordinary people". I want to make our life better and better! Although it will take a lot of time, I think the process of creation is enjoyable.


Monteiro, M. (2015, October 30). Can design change the world? Dear design student. Retrieved April 1st, 2020, from

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