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About me-


Tingtign Feng

-Hi, I am Tingting, a design student at the University of Auckland. I am a quiet girl. When I was in primary school, I started learning to paint. I can paint, sketch and watercolor. I studied design while studying in the foundation course in New Zealand, and I decided to study design at university.

-The design is very interesting. As far as I can see, design can change our lives, and it can make life better and better. Furthermore, after graduation, I can more easily find my favorite job. I hope that at the end of the course, I can make a satisfactory work and find a good job.


-The cover design of the newspaper named China Daily is one of my favorites. They combined illustrations with texts, and the colors in cover work well together. It is also worth mentioning that each cover has strong storytelling.

-Monument Vallege is also my favorite design. I was deeply attracted by its exquisite decryption, elegant pictures, and touching stories. It perfectly uses color matching, visual effects, and lighting effects. Monument Valley is not as complicate and bloody as other games, it really gives me fresh and so peaceful feelings.


Cooking    Drawing    Animal    Plant     Game


-Zhuhai ART Senior Hight School (2014-2017)

-ACG New Zealand International College(2018-2019)

-University of Auckland (2020- )


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