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My Favorite Portfolio (Inspirations) #DES100

Updated: May 5, 2020

This is my favorite portfolio, and here are some reasons why this portfolio caught my eyes.

First of all, the beautiful illustrations work well with words (portfolio), but and the colors on the portfolio create a sense of comfort and pleasure. Besides that, the layout and matching of color are so perfect even though blue and orange are contrasting colors.

Secondly, in the author's personal introduction page, she has made good use of simple icons. As we all know, it is difficult for readers to read the article with only words. By doing so, she made the portfolio more interesting and simple.

What's more, the style of the author's illustration is funny and lovely. The paintings she drew on her portfolio came from her real life. Readers are able to resonate well through this unique portfolio which was made in her hand-drawn style.

In her product design, she combined the product with colorful paintings which makes it attractive especially for those young customers. Meanwhile, it is worth mentioning that she used several simple orange, yellow, and blue lines to link each page into a whole.


Mutmainah Faramalik, T., (2019). Tiwi's Graphic Design Portfolio. Issuu. Retrieved March 30th, 2020, from ttps://

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