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Design Poster 2 #DES101

Updated: May 5, 2020

Title: Happy Rest

Creative Field Software: Procreate

Hiku poem:

Mellow May

Butterflies in trees.

Brilliant sunsets, starry eves.

Time for ice cream, please!

(Cisco, P.L.,2018).


The title of my design is “Happy rest”. The design idea comes from the third sentence of a haiku poem. I think of cute children sitting in front of the house eating ice cream happily in the evening, watching the sun slowly disappear in the wide sky. Actually, there are resting happily.

Wong (1993) says that designers have to rely on their enquiring minds. I adopt this theory and try to enquire what the audience might expect from such a poster. At first, I just thought of delicious ice cream and put it in the center of the picture. This is because the required size is rectangular and the central part can be more attractive.

At the same time, the visual language is the basis of design creation (Wong, 1993). I tried to tell the audience about protecting the Earth, through the visual language of my poster. Hence, I made the ice cream look like melting earth, which implied that “As people "happily" consume the resources of the Earth, the Earth is slowly disappearing.

There are things I did well with this poster. For example, the color is relatively fresh, because dark colors can make people feel heavy. Hence, the use of color shows the theme of “happy rest”. Then, this poster is storytelling. The orange on the ice cream symbolizes the "dragon eye", watching things happening on the Earth. At the same time, orange and blue contrast with each other, which makes the poster bright. However, I think this poster has its shortcomings. For example, the theme might not be so easy to be grasped by the audience.


Cisco, Patricia L. (2018). Mellow May. Retrieved April 2nd, 2020, from

Wong, Wucius. (1993). Principles of Form and Design. Print.

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